Baal sanskriti vikaas
Academic & Cultural Enrichment
Online Hindu Courses
Our programs are designed to help you learn a simple Hindu education through online religious classes!
Our curriculum is the GAHC
(Generally Accepted Hindu Curriculum)
About Us
Baal Sanskriti Vikaas was founded in 2022. Although operating virtually online, BSV is headquartered in Orlando, FL. BSV has been co-founded by Devanand Das & his wife, Angel Lall. They are the parents of Divyana Das (6) & Diveena Das (3). Dave & Angel have both learned and is still learning many teachings of Hindu religion and culture from many knowledgeable gurus. Devanand Das aka Pandit Dave is a Pandit and has learned under the guidance of Pdt. Narayan Latchana aka Pdt. Baya. Angel & Dave both have over 20 years of experience in singing, dancing, music etc. In addition to a spiritual and cultural background, Angel holds a Masters degree in Clinical Research and Devanand holds a Bachelors in Accounting. Thanks for considering Baal Sanskriti Vikaas and for your support.